Rails App Portfolio Project

Pledge Davis
1 min readSep 11, 2020

The journey to getting my Rails portfolio project up and running was not an easy task. As I spent numerous hours manually inputting information into the database, through Rails console, just to test my tables and validations it almost felt draining but eventually I found happiness after moving forward from the errors. After moving on from getting my attributes and validations to work properly I found displaying information to the user using erb tags in html to be somewhat an easy task; by just referencing my models and double checking my created associations it allowed me to breeze through the html part of this project as displaying was not really a hard task. Lastly I can’t help but to mention dealing with the nested forms which I definitely spent hours on. I was struggling to get my nested form to know whether it was nested or not. Since I was using the same form for both occasions I came to the conclusion that I would have to utilize the “if” statement conditional to tell my nested form about it’s already existing brand_id. After figuring out how to scale that mountain everything else seemed a bit easier. Although I struggled in the beginning completing this project made me realize it was great practice and a good opportunity to display my skills as well as knowledge in Ruby on Rails.

